
Showing posts from May, 2022

How to Turn on/off Windows Firewall on Windows 10

  How to Turn on/off Windows Firewall on Windows 10             In case you are wondering what is a windows firewall? What is the purpose of turning on/off of the windows firewall? and why you should know how to do it. WHAT IS WINDOWS FIREWALL          The Windows Firewall is used to  protect your Windows system from network-based threats . You can control who has access to your system and what access is granted. The Windows Firewall applet allows you to configure these firewall settings .   PURPOSE OF TURNING ON/OFF OF THE WINDOWS FIREWALL Turning the Windows Firewall on  provides protection against outside cyber attackers by shielding your computer or network from malicious or unnecessary network traffic . Firewalls can also prevent malicious software from accessing a computer or network via the internet. Turning off Microsoft Defender Firewall could make your device (and network, if you have one) more vulnerable to unauthorized access. If there's an app you need to use that&#